Puppy Information
We take placing our puppies into the best homes possible very seriously. The first step in bringing home a Kennedy Golden puppy is to complete our puppy application. We do thoroughly review all applications that we receive. If we feel comfortable moving forward with an application, we will schedule a phone interview to discuss the application further. After the phone interview, we make determinations on placing families to our waitlist.

A waitlist for our litters typically consist of four female and four male positions. Once a litter has been whelped, we do ask for our families on our waitlist to place a $400 non-refundable deposit. From birth to 8 weeks of age, we post a live video on our Facebook page almost daily. By posting live videos, our families get to watch the puppies grow and develop. Puppies go to their new homes between 8 and 9 weeks of age.
Our puppies see our veterinarian between 6 and 7 weeks of age where they receive their first set of vaccines, a wellness exam, and will be microchipped. Our puppies are on a deworming schedule of 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age.
We firmly believe in giving our puppies the best possible start in life. We do Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) from 3-16 days with our puppies. When done properly, puppies that have been through ENS has been proven to have a higher tolerance to stress, have a stronger cardiovascular performance, have a stronger heart beat, stronger adrenal glands, and have a greater resistance to disease.
We also implement aspect of Puppy Culture when raising our puppies. Our puppies are exposed to all sorts of different experiences and stimulus by the time they go home. They are exposed to the vacuum cleaner, the blender, television, kids playing and handling them, car rides, baths, new people, other dogs besides their mom, different kinds of surfaces, etc.

Our puppy families get the opportunity to visit the puppies around 6-7 weeks of age. While we do encourage our puppy families to be an active part of the pick process, we do have the final say as to which puppy will be placed into each family.
Once we have raised the puppies for nearly two months, we have a pretty good idea as to what each puppy's personality is like. We do our best to match each puppy into the home that would best fit each puppy's individual needs, drives, and personalities.
Overall our goal is to end up with the best situation for each puppy and family.
By the time one of our puppies goes to its forever home, we have pored an endless amount of time and love into each puppy. We have a Facebook group for our puppy families where they are able to post updates of their puppy and keep in touch with their puppy's siblings. We ABSOLUTELTY LOVE updates on our puppies and never get tired of hearing how our puppies are doing. We are available for the life of any dog we place for support, guidance, or questions.